Steps To Build A Mobile Testing Strategy
Apr 2016

The gradual increase in espousal of mobiles , ipad, tablet and other mobile accessories has oil-fired the growth of mobile app development India in current few years. Mobile has become on of the basic medium of interaction with customers and big gang of business and development of mobile apps drive big role to make this interaction a possibility.
To a greater extent , development of mobile apps is one of the greatest boon to the human civilization that had benefitted busiiness to an extent one could never think off. Mobile apps have made the business operations handy to consumers as they are the driving-force of our business.
But the big question mark is how mobile is the powerful to influence customers and how they are connected with our products? Yes, strong mobile app strategy is the pillar of successful android development but there is an other core component that ensures whether your app meets the expectations of customers or not and there comes – Mobile Testing Strategy
Mobile Testing strategy
It is the quality testing of your app that your app needs to pass out before they are in the storage of the end user's smartphone.
Mobile Application Testing challenges
Like any other testing mobile app testing also nucleus on quality & performance of the app developed and how will be the user Experience . But, mobile application testing is becoming far more counteracting because of the following aspects:
1) Device fragmentation
As we know mobile applications are consumed on multiple platforms and devices like that of windows, Android , Blackberry , iOS and pretty more.
However, every device has different OS each is categorized with multiplicity of version information.
The variations highlighted in devices, OS, Memory Partition, Screen-resolutions and connectivity options perplex the testers with the challenges to make sure with app compatibility with all these above aspects.
2) In-house vs. outsourced testing
As we are restricted with the factors like development budget and the client deadlines, business often face the dilemma whether should opt for in-house testing or should leverage testing part to outsourcing company.
Though outsourcing company can slang you with numerous testing-sets and resources but to find an right and trust-able partner is again difficult and time-consuming job.
In contradiction , In-house testing gives full command of testing to business but they always face the shortage of testing-specialized tool-sets and resources.
3) Availability of mobile testing tools
If business opt for in-house testing they will always have to deal with scarcity of testing tools and resources as it's not every company that can afford high profile tool -set and resources.
4) Application Life-cycle Testing
Indeed Mobile apps needs to be updated regularly as :
1) Quick -featured updates makes the end-users boost up to use the app.
2) More use of agile development method has improved more feature updates.
3) Quick updates in OS platform makes developers to maintain app harmony with the latest versions.
All these above factors widens the scope of mobile app testing by adding additional testing cycle with each upcoming up-gradations.
Though business are already following mobile app testing strategy they often fail with app quality & performance resulting in unsatisfied User Experience . So following points are to be kept in mind for best mobile application strategy practices:
1. Device Selection
The first consideration to make, before commencing any mobile app testing activities, is to pick up the devices that are to be used for app testing.
There are 2 choices left with the device selection :
1) Device Model
i) OS Versions: Mobile app should be tested on all the latest and compatible OS versions.
ii) Screen Resolution : Use a mixture of various screen resolutions to test the mobile applications, because the UX varies on different sizes and resolutions.
iii) Form Factor : One should check whether app is compatible on multiple forms like mobile, tablet , i-pad etc.
2) Physical / Emulator
In initial stages of development emulator testing can prove to be fruitful. But, it does not mean that one should ignore testing on physical device , instead physical device testing let you understand app behavior in real-time panorama.
It's all about appropriate mixture of physical/emulator to get the best expected outcome.
2. Beta Testing of your Mobile Application
It gives you an opportunity of accessing real-time testers and working in actual scenarios.
It let you test app for factors like :
i) Density of Network.
ii) App behavior on devices
iii)Users interaction with our app
iv) Checking battery states of multiple device.
3. Cloud Testing of Application
Some of the benefits for which cloud is the best option are:
i) Cloud testing offers pre-configured environment that highly reduce the defects occurred in the applications.
ii) It has capabilities to perform application testing complexity that easily solves problem for dynamic testing.
Iii) It provides high scalibility in application and real-time results.
4. Network Connectivity
Large no of the mobile application depends highly on connectives of network to cart rich-feature functionalities to access the real behavior of application.
For an app to be successful it should give consistent performance across multiple devices.
so this was all about the Testing its issues and strategies to be incorporated for success of an application. If you wanna outsource testing then choose the best App development company which you can trust. Contact us now for further queries
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