Eslah is your one-stop solution to all the hassles that come connected to the servicing of your vehicle. It stimulates the work of car workshops and provides you with all your car's needs, such as repairing faults, maintenance, and spare parts. An app connects the customer to the service provider. The customer requests to fix the car with images, and the interested service provider will send a quotation to complete that service. Users can order any parts for a car which are available in-app for sale. Another exciting feature of this app is that if you have a garage business and want to expand through advertisement, this app has an explore functionality where you can request your garage advertisement admin. Eslah provides a seamless car service experience at the convenience of a tap.
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Client Requirements
This project aims to develop a mobile application that will help connect people in need of car repairs and spare parts with willing sellers. With an app, they wanted to give car owners a seamless, professional, yet affordable car service experience at their doorstep through service providers when they seek out car repair and maintenance service. More they want to help in reducing predatory prices that are found in some repair shops. On the other hand, service providers can also earn money with their skilled car repairing work. He came to Hyperlink InfoSystem to develop an application for car maintenance. After some team discussion and research, we have added some unique features and developed two apps: Eslah – for customers and Provider Eslah- for a service provider. The application will help to level the field for the repair shops as well as for customers.
Customer Side:
- Users can view tutorial with images on top and tagline at a bottom that describes the app's main features.
- User can see next page by swiping.
- Users have the option to skip that tutorial.
- Users can register with the necessary information and can log in using mobile with OTP verification.
Enter Car Details:
- Users can add their car details like brand, model, type, color, registration year, number of the cylinder, and images.
- Users can edit and delete their car details from their profile.
- Users can view a list of nearby garages based on the location in the map.
- They can filter the garage and search it by name as well.

Send Request:
- Users can request to publicly or to a particular garage.
- Users can request two types of a request based on the following required service:
1) Car Repair: - When users want a service for car repair, they need to select the repair type, add an image relevant to car fault, choose a car that was added earlier, and location.
2) Spare Part Change: - When users want to change any spare parts, they need to choose a spare part change type, add an image relevant of the car spare part, select a car that was added earlier, and location.
My Request:
- Users can see a list of pending, completed, and canceled request orders.
- Users can view quotation requests for a particular order from various garages. And according to their quotation, users will accept or reject that request.
- Users can chat with service providers for their query.
- Explore: User can see the top garages' advertisement.
- Language: Users can select a language in English or Arabic.

Service Provider Side:
- Service providers need to register in the app with the necessary information and login with OTP validation.
New Request:
- Service providers will get two types of requests: 1) publicly request in a list based on nearby location, 2) someone directly sends a request to you only.
- Service providers will provide a quotation for every request from the list and can edit also.
- Service providers can find a particular service with the filtering option by car name and service.
- Service providers can see top garages advertisements.

My Jobs:
- A service provider can view all completed and canceled orders listing.
- Service providers can cancel any order from the list if they don't want to complete that order.
- Service providers can chat with customers regarding their orders.
- Service providers can edit info about the garage and edit/delete pictures of their garage.
- Service providers can select a language in English or Arabic.

Admin Panel Features
Customer Management:
- View and edit customers details
- Active/Inactive customers
Service Category Management:
- Add/edit services
- Active/Inactive services
Order Requests:
- View waiting, rejected, canceled, pending, and finished order request
Distance setting:
- Set nearby distance by kilometer or mile
Service Provider Management:
- Approved/Unapproved service provider request
- View and edit service provider details
- Active/Inactive service providers
App Content Management:
- Update content for an app like about us, terms & condition, privacy policy, and FAQs.
Explore(Advertise) Management:
- View explore images from service providers
- Active/Inactive explore images

To manage changes in Developed Functionality:
During development time, we discussed with the client regularly for new changes and requirements. As per the client's demand to change in functionality was difficult as we need to change the whole thing from app design to API calling and database entry that is already implemented earlier. But we overcame this problem after proper discussion with the team and implemented client demand in the way that changes can do efficiently. And in the future, if any more changes will come, we able to do it very quickly.
Android OS Support:
Android 5.0 to Android 8.0
Kotlin using Android Studio 3.3
Android Supported Devices:
480x800, 720x1280, 1080x1920, 1440x2560
Language Support:
English, Arabic
iOS OS Support:
iOS 9.0 to 11.3
Swift using Xcode
iOS Supported Devices:
iPhone 5S, iPhone 6, iPhone 6S, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6 Plus S, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X
Language Support:
English, Arabic
Website & Admin Panel
Technology: PHP, CodeIgniter Framework
Database: MySQL
API: REST API in JSON format
Browser/Device Compatibility:
Mozilla Firefox: Min 40.0 to Max 55.0 version
Google Chrome: Min 44.0 to Max 61.0 version
Internet Explorer: Min 10.0 to Max 11.0 version
Apple Safari: Min 8.0 to Max 10.1.0 version
Language Support:
English, Arabic