- A lot of great things start with a hi!
Hi Oscar – Taxi application for passenger and driver is free for Australian people who always try to go somewhere at the perfect time and don't have any vehicle or want comfort. It is the one that aligned with the Australian cultural paradigm, providing Drivers with more stable remuneration and improved security. You can choose the destination, and a car will be right there for you. This app introduced the main feature that allows users to select women drivers for women's safety. You can also choose the car type you want to ride like Oscar, Big, Fancy, or Pink. Hi oscar is one of the excellent value for drivers and passengers as well.
Client Requirement
The Client from Australia approached Hyperlink Infosystem to make an Android and iOS app for Australia's people. Our client wanted an app that helps people to pick taxi On-Demand and ride their destination in a short time. Due to a busy office schedule and traffic at the road, the client found difficulty riding the vehicle and reaching the destination at a proper time. He realized that several people faced the same problem in reaching their destination. This raised the idea of app development that makes it easy and fast for people to get a taxi and book trusted and skilled drivers through their smartphone. Simultaneously, the idea was to streamline the complete process of finding a taxi by users and giving a job to drivers.

hi oscar – For Passengers
- Promo Code & Referral Code Applied
- Payment Option By Credit Card
- Give Rate And Comments To Driver
- Book Future Ride
- Get An Invoices At User Profile
- View Every Detail Of Past Rides
- View Each Detail Of Future Bookings
- Cancel Booking
- Stop Ride Before Drop Up Destination Arrives
- Registration By Social Support & OTP
- Live Location Suggestions
- Vehicles Categories Like Oscar, Big, Fancy, Pink
- Locate Current Position With Gps
- Estimated Fare Calculation
- Call Driver After Register For Ride
- Ride Stopped Automatically At The Drop Point
- Live Tracking Features
- Use Emergency Numbers
- List All Available Cars On Map
- Get Notification When Driver Arrives At Pick Up Location
hi oscar Driver – For Drivers
- Upload Relevant Documents
- Accept And Decline The Booking Requests
- View Info About Passengers
- Navigation To Reach Pick Up Location
- Waiting Time Calculation & Charges
- Confirm The Payment Through Credit Card
- Route Navigation From Pick Up To Drop Off Location
- See All Future Booking Schedule
- End The Ride Manually Before Drop Off Location Reached On Passenger Request

hi oscar Admin Panel Features
Master Search
- By Customer Name
- By Customer Phone
- By Driver Name
- By Driver Phone
- By Reservation Id
Reservation Management
- Pending Reservation
- Assigned Reservation
- Completed/Canceled Reservation
Customer Management
- Send A Trip Receipt
- Search Reservation By Date
- Search Reservation By Specific Driver
- Search Reservation By Booking
- City Booking
- One Way Booking
- Out Station Booking
Driver Management
Schedule Management
- Manage Driver Details
- Assign Cars to Drivers
- Track Driver's Location on Map
Car Management
- Add Car Details
- Manage Car Rates
- Search by Car Name or Fare
- Manage Block List for Cars
Our team had to face various development and design challenges during the process, like a limited development period. The client is required to launch it for people as early as possible.In reality, we cannot merely consider the starting and endpoints to estimate the fair. But, we must track the driver's actual route and then calculate the exact amount considering the distance. And after we did GPS and Google Maps to find the accurate distance.
Our developers faced one big challenge, and that is Animation. If a passenger is looking for any ride and if any car is available, either taxi, economy, business, or any other in a nearby location, a popup will notify the user, and he/she can easily pick the car. Our developers applied some logic on web services for client need and done this easily by using their programming knowledge.
In this competitive era, a user-experience is the must, and for the same purpose, the client needs an app with a user-friendly interface. It has a simple design and easy to complete the booking process in a few clicks. Our designer made an attractive design, and developers made it responsive to clients' needs.
User prefer taxi at their pick up location may be its X location and they need future ride car same for a drop up location and may be its Y location and if the same car will not free then the dynamically economy, business or another car will display to select.
Android, iOS, and Website Development
Android OS Support:
4.3 to 7.0
Java using Android Studio 2.2.2
Android Supported Devices:
480x800, 720x1280, 1080x1920, 1440x2560
iOS OS Support:
iOS 8.0 to 10.0
Swift using Xcode
iOS Supported:
Devices: 5, 5S, 6, 6S, 6 Plus, 6 S Plus, 7, 7 Plus
API: JSON format
Supported Browser:
Mozilla Firefox : Min 40.0 to Max 46.0 version
Google Chrome : Min 44.0 to Max 51.0 version
Internet Explorer : Min 10.0 to Max 11.0 version