Tabibi Patient - For Patient
- Users need to provide necessary details like name, email, password, and phone number verification.
- Login with registered number and password.
Forgot Password
- Users need to enter the registered phone number to get a reset password link.
Map Integration
- Users can get a listing and location of a doctor, clinic, radio/lab, pharmacy, and others listing on the map.
- Users can directly call to the respective person.
Filtering option
- Users can filter the doctor listing by date, distance, and other available filter options.
Book Appointment
- Users can book an appointment by selecting a doctor and his/her available time slot and can choose specific symptoms.
- A user can again book an appointment for other people by adding that person as a dependent (father, mother, brother, sister, etc.).
- Users can give rate & review to doctors when an appointment is complete.
My Appointments
- Users can view upcoming, pending, and canceled appointments.
My Favorites
- Users can add doctors, clinics, radio/lab, pharmacy, and others as a favorite.
- By booking an appointment with the doctor, users can chat with the respective doctor.
- Users will receive notifications regarding appointment status.
- Users can use this app as an English, Arabic, and French language to change their know language accordingly.

Tabibi Doctor - For Doctors
- Doctors need to sign up with necessary details like name, email, password, and phone number verification.
- The signup process contains the doctor's required steps to add specific experience, certificates, and details regarding the doctor's fee and select health care services provided by them.
- Login with registered number and password.
Forgot Password
- Enter a registered phone number to get a reset password link.
Appointment Request
- Doctors can manage appointments by accepting patient requests. When doctors get any offer, that request will be shown in the upcoming list, and if a doctor does not do any action, the request will be on the pending list.
Appointment Counts
- Doctors can view their appointment counts and status with the date.
Working Calendar Integration
- Doctors can view their monthly upcoming and pending appointments and his/her holidays.
- Doctors can chat with the patient after accepting the user’s appointments.
- Doctors will receive notification for new appointment requests and appointment updates.
Tabibi Member
- Doctors can view details of the clinic, radio/lab, pharmacy, and other information.
My Favorites
- Doctors can add other doctors, clinics, radio/lab, pharmacy, and other details.
My Earnings
- Doctors can view weekly, monthly and yearly earnings based on their fees and appointments on a graph.
- Update healthcare service, expertise, and availability time.

Website Features (For Patient Only)
As per the client's demand, we have integrated a fully functional website where patients can book their appointments through websites like mobile apps. Let's have a look at some essential features of websites.
Map Integration
- Users can view doctors, clinics, radio/lab, pharmacy, and other listing and location on a map with their details.
Filtering Option
- Users can filter the doctor list by date, distance, and available filter options.
Book Appointment
- Users can book an appointment by selecting a doctor and his/her available time slot and can choose specific symptoms. A patient can again book an appointment for others by adding that person as a dependent.
- Users can give reviews and ratings to doctors after the appointment and after completion of the process.
- Users can add and manage dependents.
Cancel Appointments
- Users can cancel any appointment

Admin Panel Features
Hospital Panel Features
- Manage Doctor
- Admin can add, update, and delete, active/inactive doctors.
- Admin can approve doctors.
- Appointments
- View appointment listing
Super Admin
- Super Admin can manage different functionality and roles like Hospital Admin, Doctors, Patient, Hospital or Clinic, Radio Lab, Pharmacy, Nurse, Healthcare Services, specialty in terms of Add, Edit, Delete, or Active/Inactive, and plans. Also, he/she can only view appointment listings.

Timeslot Management
Generally, the appointment timeslots are manually set by the doctors. Still, dynamic management of the time slots by an application was one of our developers' most significant issues during the appointment booking. It was getting difficult to fetch the available doctors based on the user and doctor location criteria and the time slot. Our back-end developers managed to overcome this situation with custom logic that helped them fetch the available doctors as per the defined criteria.
- Android
Android OS Support:
Android 5.0 to Android 9.0Development:
Java using Android Studio 3.5
- iOS
iOS OS Support:
iOS 10.0 to 12.4Development:
Swift 4.0 using Xcode
- Website & Admin Panel
PHP, CodeIgniter FrameworkDatabase:
REST API in JSON format