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Hire React Native Developers for Your Needs - A Definitive Guide

hire react native developers for your needs - a definitive guide
harnil oza

Harnil Oza

Founder and CEO
1183 Views 39 Minute Read
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React Native is the most popular mobile app development platform, with over 100,000 developers and 16 billion downloads. It was founded by Facebook developers in 2015 and is based on React, one of the most popular JavaScript libraries for creating user interfaces.
It allows developers to create mobile apps that are indistinguishable from native apps, but it also provides many benefits, like speed, cross-platform development, and reduced costs. This should be your first step toward success if you want to create an amazing app without learning another language or platform.
Excellent React Native developers are in high demand by businesses to finish their projects. React is the most widely used framework for creating interactive mobile applications, which explains why. Companies find it difficult to hire React Native experts due to the strong demand. If you are facing one of those issues, this guide can assist you to find and hire React Native developers for your business.


Mobile device usage has increased over the past ten years. According to Statista, around 83.96% of individuals own a smartphone. Demand for React Native developers has increased due to the surge in mobile usage and the number of mobile applications.
From banking to grocery shopping, we rely on mobile applications in every area of our lives. Also, it is predicted that by the end of 2023, the mobile application market will bring in $935 billion in revenue. Employing skilled and experienced React Native developers will enable businesses to receive a sizeable portion of this income.
Professional mobile application design takes a lot of effort and expertise. Also, several sorts of mobile applications exist, including web, hybrid, native, and cross-platform. All of these applications may be supported by React Native developers without impacting user experience. One of the greatest frameworks for creating iOS and Android apps is React Native. React Native developers can make budget-friendly dynamic apps. These programs are also simple to support, update, and manage.
Developers using React Native only need to write code once for Android and iOS applications, saving the business time and money. Moreover, developers acquainted with JavaScript frameworks like React JS and others may quickly pick up React native.
React Native is still growing and being used at a rapid pace. Impressive statistics on the Github repository: It is the 14th most starred repository on GitHub with 1002 contributors, 7,971 commits over 45 branches, and 124 releases. Moreover, it is continuously updated since React Native has a two-week train release cycle in which a Release Candidate branch is produced every two weeks.

What Is React Native?

React Native is a JavaScript library for building mobile apps. It was originally developed by Facebook but has since been open-sourced and available to the public.
The main goal of React Native is to allow developers to build native apps in JavaScript instead of having to learn new languages like Objective-C or Swift for iOS development or Java for Android development. This makes it easier for developers who already know JavaScript (or similar languages) to create mobile applications without learning new programming languages from scratch.

Who Is a React Native Developer?

A React Native developer can build a mobile app using JavaScript and React Native. A React Native engineer has experience working with both of those technologies.
So, what does this mean for you? First, if your company wants to build an app that requires these skillsets to function properly (and we think most would), then having one person who knows how everything works together will be very helpful when it comes time for maintenance or updates down the line. Secondly, hiring someone with experience working with these technologies means they'll be able to communicate effectively with other members of your team--which is crucial when trying out new ideas or implementing changes on the fly!

Why Does Your Company Need React Native Engineers?

You've probably heard that React Native is one of the hottest technologies in the industry right now. It's an open-source framework developed by Facebook, which means it has a huge community of developers contributing to it, making it easier for you to find someone who will be able to help you with your next project.
React Native allows you to build native apps using JavaScript instead of Objective C or Java (which are used by Apple and Google, respectively). Because React Native uses JavaScript as its primary language, it's easier for developers who have worked with other web technologies like HTML5 and CSS3 before to pick up than Xcode or Android Studio would be for someone who doesn't know any programming languages at all!

Is React Native in Demand?

React Native is a popular choice among companies for several reasons. First, it's a great technology for developing mobile apps. Second, React Native makes it easy to build cross-platform apps, so you don't have to spend time and resources developing separate versions of your product for Android and iOS devices. Thirdly--and perhaps most importantly--React Native can help startups and enterprises save money by cutting down on development costs while still producing high-quality products that meet their needs perfectly.

Top Features of React Native

top features of react native

  • Open-Source Platform

The React Native codebase is open-source, which means you can view the source code and make changes to it. If you find a bug or want to add a feature, you can fix it yourself or ask someone in the community to help. This openness also means that developers can contribute their improvements to the framework. The community has already made many contributions through pull requests (PRs).
  • Launched by Facebook

React Native is a cross-platform mobile app development framework created by Facebook. The company has used React Native to build its apps, including Instagram and Messenger. Several other top companies have adopted the framework, including Airbnb, Uber Eats, and Discord (a popular gaming chat app).
  • Accelerate Development

React Native is a JavaScript library for building native mobile applications. It allows you to create a single codebase for your application, which will run on Android and iOS.
React Native uses the same design as React (and its component model), but instead of running in the browser, it's used for building native apps. This means that you can build high-performance apps with smooth animations and gestures. The ability to reuse existing React knowledge makes this an attractive option for many developers who want to expand their horizons into mobile development but need help figuring out where to start or how best to approach it.
  • Easy to Modify

React Native's source code is available on GitHub and written in JavaScript. The framework uses the same design principles as React.js, which means that if you're familiar with one of these libraries, you'll find yourself at home here.
React Native also uses the same APIs as React. js - so if you want to use any third-party plugins or libraries like FlatList or Animated for your app's UI components (and who doesn't?), there are plenty of options available that work seamlessly with RN.
  • Accessible and Hefty Community Support

React Native is a JavaScript framework that allows you to build native mobile apps using only JavaScript. It's an open-source project maintained by Facebook and a community of contributors, with hundreds of thousands of developers using it daily.
There are many reasons why React Native has become so popular among developers:
- The community is incredibly active, with new features being added regularly.
- It allows you to write once and deploy on multiple platforms (Android & iOS).
  • Live Reloading

Live Reloading is a feature that allows you to see changes in your app without restarting it. This means that you can test your app on multiple devices and versions of the app without having to update each one manually.
  • Resourceful and Maximum Code Sharing

React Native has many features that make it easy to develop your app. One of the most important is, resourceful code sharing; which means you can reuse many codes between different projects.
This allows you to create an HTML page once and render it on multiple platforms, like iOS and Android. This can save time because if you change something in one place, it will automatically update everywhere else! React Native also allows maximum code sharing by using JavaScript as its main programming language (instead of Objective-C or Java).
  • Run Perfectly on Mobile Ecosystem

React Native was built with a mobile-first approach, so it's no surprise that it runs perfectly on the mobile ecosystem. You can use native APIs and build your app with a native feel and performance. With React Native, your app will have cross-platform compatibility, so you can easily share code between iOS and Android apps or even convert some parts of your web app into a mobile app using React Native.
  • NPM Libraries Support

NPM libraries are a great way to solve common problems and share code. It makes your app more robust and easier to maintain, as you don't have to reinvent the wheel whenever you need a new feature.
For example, consider how you would implement modal windows in React Native without using a library: it can be done, but it's not easy. You'll have to write your code to handle touches on buttons or interact with views inside modals (called content views). If you want to add another type of view into the mix--say an image gallery--you'll probably have some extra work on your hands again because now two types of content views need their logic for dealing with events like taps or drag. With some creativity and perseverance, all this functionality could eventually be built into one module.
  • Modular and Intuitive Interface

React Native provides a modular and intuitive interface that's easy to use and understand. It is also easy to learn, debug and maintain, which makes it perfect for web developers who want to get into mobile app development but don't have much experience in native languages like Objective-C or Swift.
Because React Native uses JavaScript, there are no limitations on what you can do with it--you can create your custom components with custom stylesheets if you want!
  • Migration

React Native is a framework for mobile application development. It allows you to code once and run the app on Android and iOS platforms without learning two languages.
It gives you access to the native APIs to leverage all of the power of each platform in your app. You can also use JavaScript to build user interfaces, making it simpler than ever!
React Native had existed since 2015 when Facebook released its first open-source version at JSConf US 2015 (now ReactJS Conf). Since then, it has gained a lot of popularity among developers because it provides them with an easy way to create cross-platform apps with great performance & reliability.

Why Is React Native the Best Choice for Your Next Project?

React Native is a great choice for your next project because it's fast and easy to learn, has an open-source framework, and has native performance. If you're looking for a mobile app that will run smoothly on any device or operating system without worrying about compatibility issues or performance problems, React Native is the way to go. Using React Native's native components, you can be sure your app will run as smoothly as if written in Objective C or Java.

Top Companies That Use React Native

top companies to use react native

1) Facebook

React Native was created by Facebook, which also used it to create its app. Honestly, it would be worrying if they did not use the framework for their apps. Facebook Ads Manager, a handy area for people and companies alike to handle adverts for their goods, is developed fully on React Native.
While cross-platform, it seamlessly accommodates UI variations regarding ad and date formats. The transitions and animations in UI adhere to the same standards.

2) Instagram

Instagram, which, unfortunately, Facebook now owns as of 2012. Instagram operates mostly through digital pictures, as opposed to Facebook, and occasionally with brief films. Instagram began considering a transition to Reactive Native seriously in 2016. Although integrating React Native with current technology was difficult initially, they can now release features more quickly and easily manage both iOS and Android app versions.

3) Pinterest

Pinterest is a social network, yet communication isn't its main purpose. Instead, a range of ideas is posted and pinned by users, with cooking and interior design being the most popular themes.
Their decision to embrace React Native, like that of many other businesses, was influenced by the framework's ability to transfer code from one platform to another. In this approach, Pinterest might make wise investments in developers' productivity.

4) Shopify

E-commerce giant Shopify is based in Canada. Yet, you might be more familiar with it as the online shop that allows you to complete your transactions. Shopify provides everything from electronic payments to shipment details, especially for online sellers that value the platform's simplicity.
As a result of Shopify's previous experience with the React framework on their online platform, implementing React Native on their mobile apps didn't require a significant learning curve. Even less time is spent on development because Shopify was able to share 80% of its code between iOS and Android.

5) Vogue

You're certainly familiar with Vogue as the fashion magazine that frequently showcases top models dressed in high fashion. You might even recall the voguing moment if you're old enough. In this example, the earlier iteration of the magazine Vogue is the pertinent reference. It's an app form, though.
That is correct! You may get the daily information and images you normally receive from Vogue magazine directly from your smartphone. The Vogue app was also created using React Native and was ranked among the top 10 applications in the Apple Store in 2017.

6) Skype

Skype is a VoIP program where the basic method of communication is video chat. It lets you make and receive phone calls and send and receive instant messages. It is a Microsoft product. Microsoft recently switched from React Native to Electron for the Skype mobile app, but not due to performance issues. Microsoft wanted the Skype app to look precisely the same as what you'd get on a desktop, even if React Native is useful for mobile apps.
As a result of the removal of several helpful features like replying to messages from the notification bar and syncing with Outlook, many individuals would like to change the move. When Microsoft switched to React Native for the first time in 2017, consumers immediately saw several positive improvements, from the icons to a thorough revamp of the layout. It was also noticed that the iOS and Android apps were consistent.

Responsibilities of React Native Developers

React Native is a JavaScript framework for building native apps. It allows you to write code in Javascript and then run it on a native platform. That's right: you can build an app in the language that powers the web. React Native developers are tasked with creating beautiful and functional user interfaces (UIs) for mobile apps. Read on to explore what skills are required to become a React Native developer and the different types of work involved in this job title.
  • Code Conversion

Code conversion is the process of converting code from one language to another. It can be done by a programmer or a tool, and it's used in many different scenarios. For example, suppose you want to use an existing library written in Objective-C on iOS with your React Native app. In that case, you'll need to convert the Objective-C code into JavaScript to run on both platforms (iOS and Android).
  • Seamless UI

To create a seamless UI, you need to use native components. This will help you create an interface that looks and feels like a native app. You can also use native APIs, which are built into React Native and allow you to access device features such as the camera or contacts list. If your app requires some functionality not provided by React Native, you might have to build it using modules that wrap around native libraries (such as a camera).
  • Quality Check

As a React Native developer, you ensure your code is error-free and performs well. You should:
- Code quality: Code quality is a vital part of any development process. As a React Native developer, you'll need to ensure that your app has no bugs or performance issues before it gets released into production. This can be done by writing unit tests and submitting them for review by other developers or even QA testers outside the team who know nothing about your app's code base (or its purpose).
- Code review: After writing unit tests for all new features in a project, another important step is having someone else look over these tests before merging them into the main branch so everyone else can use them. This helps ensure that no bugs are left behind after internal testing by only one person (i.e., yourself).
  • Cross-Functional Coordination

In addition to being familiar with the technology stack, React Native developers should also be able to work with other teams in an organization. This includes working with the design team to ensure that the look and feel of the app are consistent with the brand guidelines, working with back-end developers on connecting to back-end services, and collaborating closely with QA teams for thorough testing before releasing updates.
  • Native Modules and APIs

React Native developers are responsible for writing code in the native language of their platform, which means they use Objective-C or Swift for iOS and Java for Android. The purpose of doing this is to create seamless UI interactions between your app and its environment. To achieve this, you'll need to know how each platform works internally so that you can write your code accordingly.
Another responsibility is converting your JavaScript code into something seamlessly running on both platforms. Suppose there's a UI element like an image picker or something else that doesn't exist in React Native but within a native module (like AVFoundation). In that case, it will be up to you as a developer to write some bridge between these two worlds, so they work together smoothly without any bugs popping up along the way!

Benefits of Hiring React Native Developers

benefits of hiring react native developers

React Native is a framework for building cross-platform mobile apps with JavaScript. It was created by Facebook and Instagram and open-sourced in 2015. React Native is used by companies like Uber, Tesla, Airbnb, and Walmart Labs because it offers several key benefits:
  • Third-Party Plugins Support

React Native allows you to use third-party plugins on your app. This means a plugin is available if you need specific app features. The best part about these plugins is that they are open-source and can be used without any license cost. You can also customize them as per your requirements!
  • Large Community

The React Native community is huge and growing. Many developers can help you with your project, and there are also plenty of tutorials and guides to help you get started.
  • Real-Time Feedback And Preview

You can see the changes in real-time, so you won't have to wait for your developers to complete their work. You can preview your app on multiple devices, so you know what it will look and feel like on different devices. You'll also be able to change the design and functionality of your app without having to rebuild it from scratch.
  • Hot Reloading Support

Another great feature of React Native is hot Reloading, which means you can see the changes in your code without restarting the app. This saves a lot of time since you don't have to wait for the app to restart. This is especially useful when working on the UI (user interface).
  • Less Development Time

One of the biggest benefits of using React Native is that it reduces the time it takes to develop a mobile app. This means that you can focus on getting your app out in the market sooner rather than spending months or years building it from scratch. React Native also allows developers to reuse code across different platforms and devices, which saves them time and effort in maintaining multiple codebases for each platform separately.
  • Flexible Architecture

The flexibility of React Native's architecture allows you to change the UI without changing the code. You can also change the UI without changing the layout and design, which is a huge benefit for teams that work on different platforms.
The structure of React Native apps is also flexible enough that you don't have to worry about rewriting your entire application when something needs updating or changing. While this may sound like an obvious benefit, it's important to note that some frameworks require completely new developers to make changes without breaking anything else in your app.
  • SEO Friendly

The React Native framework is SEO-friendly. Google and other search engines can crawl and index JavaScript code, unlike native applications written in Objective-C, Swift (iOS apps), or Java (Android apps).
You get an SEO advantage with React Native apps because they work on iOS and Android devices. You don't have to worry about having separate versions of your app if you want to rank well in both markets!

Key Requirements of a React Native Developer

You should look for a React Native developer with at least two years of experience and a strong knowledge of JavaScript and Node.js. It's important that the developer can work independently and communicate easily with other team members, so it's best if they have good communication skills.
When you are looking to get a React Native developer, there are some key requirements that the developer should meet. We have listed some requirements to help you find the right developer.
  • Experience Developing Mobile Applications

As a React Native developer, you must know the different platforms and their APIs. You also need to know how users interact with mobile apps compared to web applications. Each platform has different user experiences you'll need to know when developing your product or service. For example, if your app is going to run on Android devices (which have no mouse), then it won't have any hover effects like those found on desktop websites; instead, users will tap on buttons or links for them to function properly.
You must have some experience building mobile apps so that potential employers know what kind of work ethic they're getting from someone who has built multiple apps before hiring them.
  • Strong Front-End Development Skills

The ideal React Native developer should have a strong grasp of CSS and HTML. They should be able to work with Bootstrap, other CSS frameworks, and JavaScript libraries like React Native, jQuery, and AngularJS.
The ability to work in multiple languages is essential for developing cross-platform apps. They should also be familiar with performance optimization techniques such as code minification or browser caching.
  • Knowledge Of Basic React Assumptions

One of the key requirements of a React Native developer is that you should know basic React assumptions, which are:

- React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- React is declarative, meaning it describes what to do without specifying how it should be done (i.e., imperative). This makes React applications easier to reason about and change over time because they don't have complicated procedural code like other frameworks might have you write.
- React apps are component-based: You break down your UI into reusable pieces called components, which can then be composed together into larger ones or used on their own in other projects or apps--for example, if you want your chat app's list of users to look like Twitter's list of tweets but also include some extra info like location data from Facebook Connect (which isn't possible with Twitter alone), then you could use one already-made "user" component from another project as the basis for this new feature without having to write all its HTML/CSS from scratch again yourself! And if things change later on, we may want our users' locations hidden instead. No problem--change one line inside the component instead of having many messy code changes throughout various places across multiple files!

  • Experience Creating CSS Stylesheets, HTML, And Javascript

A React Native developer must have experience creating CSS stylesheets, HTML and JavaScript.
CSS is used for styling an application. It allows you to add color, typography, and other visual elements, such as borders or shadows. The most important thing to remember when working with CSS is that it should be kept separate from your codebase so that it doesn't get tangled up with other things like logic or animation.
HTML is used to build user interfaces (UI). This could mean anything from a button on a screen to the entire screens themselves! When designing UIs in HTML5 / CSS3 / JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS 2+, VueJS 2+, or ReactJS 16+, consider using components rather than full pages whenever possible because they offer many benefits over traditional websites, including faster loading times due to smaller file sizes & fewer HTTP requests required which leads us nicely onto our next topic.
  • Excellent Knowledge Of Javascript

JavaScript is a programming language that is used to create interactive websites. It's also used to create mobile apps and desktop apps, as well as server-side apps.
It's important that you have excellent knowledge of JavaScript, as it will be your primary tool for creating React Native applications.
  • Ability to Write Unit Tests and Test Case Suites for Your Code

The ability to write unit tests and test case suites for your code is a critical skill for any React Native developer. Unit tests are written to test the logic of the code, while test case suites are used to test an app's functionality. You must have a good understanding of testing before you start writing these types of tests to ensure they are written properly and accurately reflect your requirements.
  • Familiarity With REST API Integration and Performance Optimization Strategies

React Native developers should be familiar with integrating REST APIs into an application because most applications use this type of API as their back end. The key here is knowing how to use the API and how it works and can be optimized. For example, if you're using an API that returns JSON data, you must know that not all browsers support JSONP (JSON with Padding) requests. You'll need to ensure your application doesn't break when users run it on older browsers like Internet Explorer or Safari on Mac OS X.

How to Screen React Native Developers?

If you're hiring remotely, you should ask questions about their experience working remotely before hiring them so that there are no surprises later on in your relationship with this person. You also want to ensure they have enough time because working remotely requires self-discipline and motivation from both sides- yours and theirs!
You should also ask for examples of past projects to see how well they work under pressure (this is especially important if there is no deadline). You should also speak with references, even though some people might say "no" when asked if they know someone who has worked with them before because they don't want anyone else stealing their talent away from them!

What Skills Should You Evaluate React Native Developers On?

It's important to look into a developer's technical and soft talents before hiring React Native developer. They will join in client meetings and work with your software team as a React Native developer. React Native engineers will be able to respond to all of your clients' questions since they have the appropriate technical and soft expertise. They will also be able to point other React Native developers in the appropriate directions simultaneously.

Soft Skills

  • Communication Skills
Communication skills are a vital part of any developer's toolkit, and it's crucial to look for a React Native developer who can communicate clearly and effectively with others. For example, if you're working on an app with another developer or designer, you want to ensure your new hire can listen well when they receive feedback. Similarly, if they're working remotely as part of a distributed team (e.g., at a startup), they should be able to communicate effectively over video calls or chat platforms like Slack.
In addition to being good listeners who pay attention when others speak--and hear what people are saying--the ideal candidate also knows how best to express themselves when communicating technical concepts in words or code. This means having excellent writing skills and explaining things simply without dumbing them down too much; this will help prevent misunderstandings between different parties involved in the project (from developers down to QA testers).
Hiring React Native developers with strong communication skills can speed up the implementation of the customer and company's desired changes. After giving them the first brief, they may double-check what they understand to ensure they are both on the same page.
  • Time Management
One of the most important skills to look for in a React Native developer is time management. This entails understanding the project requirements, working on the project on time, and being able to prioritize tasks. A good React Native developer should be able to work on multiple projects without compromising quality or deadlines.
React Native developers also need to understand how much time each task will take so that they can plan accordingly when working with clients. Several businesses use time-tracking tools to monitor the output and efficiency of their React Native developers because remote work has become mainstream. Employers can examine in detail how long a React Native developer needs to finish a given project. Also, it helps them establish a solid rapport with the clients by informing them how long it would take. As a result, you need to find React Native developers who are good time managers.
  • Teamwork
Teamwork is a skill that is very important for a developer. It will help you in your career, it will help you to be more productive, and it will also help you to be more successful.
Suppose you have a team of developers working on the same project. In that case, they must work together as a team and not just work on their parts of the code separately without communicating with each other or understanding what other people are doing in their part of the code. This means that if one developer uses some code from another developer's part of work, then he should make sure that he understands how this code works before using it in his section so that there won't be any issues later when some changes need to be made in both sections due to another change being made somewhere else by someone else who didn't realize how these two pieces interacted together (e.g., one piece adds an extra list item into another list). Employers should hire React Native developers that are constantly eager to offer their expertise, accept accountability for their work, and pay attention to criticism. These characteristics guarantee effective teamwork and boost overall productivity.

Technical Skills

While software developers may check the mentioned soft skills, judging them on technical aspects might be challenging. We have divided the abilities you need in React Native developers into three categories like junior, middle, and senior React Native developers - for this reason.
  • Junior React Native Developers
- React Native Knowledge: Junior developers won’t have much experience with React Native. But they must be familiar with React Native's essential parts, including its APIs and frameworks.
- Debugging, Testing, And Compiling: The ability to compile, debug, and test code is necessary for junior React Native developers.
- Redux: Redux knowledge is a must for junior React Native developers. It is a tool that aids in managing the state of elements shared by several components.
- JS6 And Navigation Skills: You must evaluate a candidate's coding skills, particularly for JS6 or higher, before you hire React Native developers for junior positions. They are also capable of using the most fundamental app navigation features.
  • Mid-Level React Native Developers
- Third-Party Integration: Middle-level developers must be capable of integrating other services like Facebook, Google, and PayPal.
- Mobile Features: Developers should be able to use React Native to build mobile-specific features at the intermediate level. Also, they must be able to incorporate mobile features into the app.
- App Deployment: Middle-level developers must be familiar with application deployment and registration flows.
- Data Caching: Intermediate React Native developers must be knowledgeable about various data caching and databases.
  • Senior React Native Developers
- Continuous Integration and Delivery: Seasoned developers that can successfully use continuous integration and delivery are well worth their weight in gold. They can create applications with real-time functionality and bug-free code.
- Native Languages: Obj-C, Swift, and Kotlin are native languages most senior developers typically use.
- Groom Talent: Experienced React Native developers must have a thorough grasp of React native, be able to mentor new developers, and be familiar with a variety of methodologies.

How to Find React Native Developers With the Right Experience?

When seeking a React Native developer, you should look for someone with at least 3 years of experience. This is the minimum time for developers to become truly proficient in their craft and understand how things work under the hood.
It's also important to find developers who have worked on at least 2 projects of the same type as yours so you know they can handle your project requirements. For example, if your company needs an app built using React Native and another company successfully used this technology while building their product, then it would be reasonable to assume that they could do so again if hired by yours!
Finally - and this one may seem obvious - you should hire only those candidates whose portfolios include projects similar (but not identical) to what you need to be done right now!

Identify the Best React Native Developers by Using Micro-Tests

Micro-tests are a great way to identify the best React Native developers. A micro-test is a 30–60-minute interview that focuses on performance, not just knowledge. It's like an audition for a role in which you can see how well they perform under pressure and whether they have the skills necessary for the job.
Micro-tests can be done over video chat or in person, but either way, you should ensure that your candidate has all the materials needed before starting their test (if applicable).

Explore Options to Hire A Top-Rated React Native Developer

The best way to hire a top-rated React Native developer is to explore options. You can use a freelancer platform, like Upwork or Freelancer; you can hire a recruitment agency specializing in React Native developers; or you could go with one of your internal recruiters who has experience finding and hiring the right talent for your company.
  • Hire an In-House React Native Developer

If you want to invest long-term in your product, hiring an in-house developer is the way. They are generally easier to manage than freelancers and can be more productive on average. However, this comes with a significant cost: hiring an in-house developer will usually be more expensive than hiring a freelance one.
  • Hire a Freelancer React Native Developer

If you want to hire a freelancer React Native developer, there are a few things you should look for. First and foremost, they should have experience with React Native. This means they've built apps using it and can show you examples of their work.
Secondly, the freelancer should have experience working on projects similar to yours. If your company is building an e-commerce app that integrates with Stripe payments and Instagram integration, then make sure the freelancer has worked on something similar before; this will save both time and money since there won't be any questions about how something works or why it's being done in a particular way (and thus fewer mistakes).
Finally - and this may seem obvious but double-check whether they're available!

Contract a React Native Expert From a Trusted Partner (Software Development Company)

The best way to find a React Native expert is through a trusted partner. You can also look for a software development company that has worked with React Native and has an impressive track record of delivering results. Before hiring them to do similar work for you, you can ask them for references, testimonials, and case studies to see how they've helped their clients succeed with this technology.

Top Countries to Find Pro React Native Development Team

For many businesses looking for more inexpensive solutions to, among other things, support their workforce with highly qualified specialists, accelerate development, and boost team productivity, outsourcing has become the new standard.
In the two years from 2023 to 2024, there will likely be a 70% increase in outsourcing cases. To be one of that 70%, you must pick one of the top countries for software development outsourcing.
According to the StackOverflow Survey 2020, 61.9% of hired software engineers hold computer science degrees, while the remaining 38.1% are self-taught or have degrees other than engineering. And only 9.7% of workers believe their degrees are "critically relevant" to their jobs.
  • Poland

One of Central Europe's top outsourcing nations, Poland is recognized as the top outsourcing nation by the IT Competitiveness index. Poland had 440,500 IT specialists in 2019, the most of any European nation. According to the IBISWorld survey, Poland has 63,058 companies specializing in software development, and the sector has grown by 6% over the last year.
Polish developers are famous for offering top-notch QA and accessibility services. The most often used technologies used here among developers are PHP, .NET, and Java.
  • Ukraine

One of Central and Eastern Europe's top outsourcing countries for IT services; is Ukraine. The State of European Tech Report ranks Ukraine as having the second-highest number of tech businesses founded in Central and Eastern Europe during the 2010s.
Several businesses that have grown into Fortune 500 firms, like Grammarly and MacPaw, are based in Ukraine. According to Emerging Europe's IT Competitiveness Index, it comes in at number 11. 85% of all tech businesses headquartered in Ukraine continue to provide services despite Russia's horrific conflict. The government and international investors started the "IT generation" project to offer free IT-related courses to the Ukrainians to address the manpower shortfall of IT professionals brought on by the Russian invasion.
  • India

According to Statista, India is among the largest exporters of IT services worldwide, and this is due to many factors than just having the second-largest population. The Indian government makes it easy for foreign businesses to engage with Indian developers, and they anticipate this export expansion to increase yearly.
By 2025, India's IT services and software development market is anticipated to be worth $19.93 billion, ranking it among the largest IT markets worldwide. Only in 2022 did global juggernauts like Google, Amazon Web Services, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Experian form multi-year strategic alliances expected to propel the growth of cloud computing, NFT, and financial solutions.
  • USA

The United States is a country of immigrants. It's also one of the most competitive markets for outsourcing software development. To be successful, you need to know how to find the best developers for your project.
USA has a vast network of skilled programmers, with many having extensive experience with React Native (RN). There are dozens of outsourcing companies specializing in RN development, each with unique expertise and approach.
The cost of hiring a developer in the USA will vary depending on location, experience level, and other factors. Expect to pay between $100 and $200 per hour for a senior developer familiar with RN and writing code for several years.

Cost of Hiring Dedicated React Native Developers

cost of hiring dedicated react native developers

React Native developers often charges on an hourly basis. The cost of react native developers varies substantially on the market. It may range from $10 to $100 per hour. This is a significant disparity, and it is important to comprehend why such a wide range exists.
You should comprehend why there is such a significant distinction between making the appropriate decision as an entrepreneur. The cost to hire React Native developers depends on the following factors. Each one has its benefits and drawbacks. Yet, no one can advise you on the best decision for your company because every company, every mobile app, and every one of us has our own opinions and ways of thinking.
So that you can make the best option for your project, let's examine the specific aspects that influence the cost of hiring react native developers. The advantages and disadvantages of each element are thoroughly explained below.
  • Expertise as React Native Developer

The first thing that affects your budget is the expertise of your React Native developer. A senior developer with 3+ years of experience in this technology can charge high compared to an average one with just 1 year or less experience. This is because they have gathered enough knowledge about the technology and can complete tasks easily without any issues. They also have strong problem-solving skills, making them capable enough to handle any problem that might arise during development.
  • Language Used in App Development Process

The language developers use also affects hiring a React Native developer because some languages are more expensive than others and vice versa. For example, hiring someone who uses Java or Kotlin to develop your app will cost more than hiring someone who uses JavaScript or TypeScript to develop your app.
  • Type of Project

If you want to build an app targeted towards a niche audience, it will cost you more than an app that caters to a larger audience. Similarly, if you have a small budget, you may be unable to hire a freelancer with extensive experience in the field since they would charge less than someone who has worked in the industry for years.
  • Geographical Location of Developer

The location also plays an essential role in determining how much you will pay for hiring React Native developer. If you want someone from India, they will charge less than someone from the USA, Europe, etc.
Country Per Hour Rate
India $18
USA $40
Ukraine $70


India has the most affordable developers in the entire globe. This is due to India's lower cost of living than Europe and America. The hourly rate for React Native developers will range from $10 to $35, depending on their level of experience and ability.
Indian developers might, therefore, significantly reduce the cost of your project. India has always been the chosen location for all international IT businesses due to its proficiency in outsourcing software development. Thus, you may be sure to trust an Indian developer for cost savings. Before making your choice, you should, however, conduct sufficient research.
Ukraine's IT services industry has held up well despite the ongoing dispute with the Russians, which invaded the nation in late February 2022. To complete global software development projects, hundreds of thousands of IT professionals - including many React Native developers - continue to work.
Ukrainian IT experts are in great demand since they have proven their continuing dependability and professionalism in the face of adversity. The average monthly pay for a React Native developer in Ukraine is between $3500 and $4500 (the dollar and the euro are now almost exactly at parity), or $43,000 to $54,000 per year, according to data from the specialized IT jobs portal Djinni. Co.
The USA employs more IT professionals than any other nation, has the greatest GDP in the world, and is one of the highest-wage economies. The US has a particularly acute scarcity of IT professionals relative to demand, which has led to a considerable increase in average earnings over the past year or two. Despite widely reported layoffs in the computer industry, there is still a significant overall shortage of software development expertise as compared to the demands of US-based businesses and organizations.
The average monthly salary for React Native developers in the USA in 1990, according to data from the job’s portal talent.com, was $125,000 per year, or $10,417 per month. The lowest end of the spectrum is estimated at $99,863, or $8322 a month, while the top-paid workers with proficiency in React Native earn up to $162,500 annually or $13,542 per month.

why hire react native developers from hyperlink infosystem

If you are looking forward to hire React Native developers, many companies are available. But why should you choose us for your project? There are many reasons behind this.
  • 24x7 Availability

We offer continuous assistance for maintenance, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to ensure you never have any setbacks while the project moves forward or even after it. You may always contact us with any questions; we'll gladly help. Our post-sale support is as competitive as when we first sign you up as a client. This is due to the fact that all of our efforts and activities are customer-centric, and we believe in developing relationships.
  • On-time Delivery

When you hire us, you can rest assured that we will deliver your project within the time frame. We have a standard timeline for delivering projects and stick to it. We also ensure that whatever we promise is delivered on time so that there are no delays in getting your product up and running.
Our code quality is also unmatched compared to any other company! So if you want a bug-free product, look no further than us!
  • Profound Technical Knowledge

We have a team of developers who are adept at React Native and can easily help you create your mobile app with ease. The best part is that you don't need to worry about anything else but just focus on what your app should look like because our developers know exactly how to do it!
If you want us to build an app for your business or organization, contact us today!
  • Transparency & Integrity

With us, you will always receive the best possible solution for your project. We will provide you with a transparent and honest quote that's not more than what we initially quoted. As being top React Native app development company, Hyperlink InfoSystem maintains top-notch transparency and integrity throughout the development process. Starting from giving the development quote to development progress to post-deployment support; we can be there for you all the time.
  • Easy Migration

If you plan to migrate from one framework to another, we can help you. Our team of experts has expertise in migrating from Native to react native, react native to other frameworks, and vice versa.
Choosing a React Native developer is a big deal, and you want to be sure you're making the right choice. When you hire dedicated developer from Hyperlink InfoSystem, you can rest assured that you're getting someone who knows the ins and outs of React Native development. We've been helping businesses build mobile apps with React Native since before it was cool.
You'll also get access to our full suite of services: design, development, testing, and deployment. This means we can help you with every aspect of your project - from conceptualizing an idea to launching it in the app store. Plus, we have a team of experts who have worked on successful projects for major brands, so we know what it takes to create an app that users love.
If any of this sounds interesting to you, contact us today!


React Native is not a framework like other cross-platform development frameworks. It is a mixture of good parts from Facebook's React.js and Apache Flutter to make it more innovative for cross-platform development. Being new in the market, developers primarily invest time in learning such frameworks, which deliver more profitable results in the future.
React Native is becoming a serious competitor in the mobile development world. It has taken the market by storm and is on its way to becoming one of the most widely used mobile app development platforms. Being open source and Facebook's backing has contributed to this success. So if you are looking for React Native developers or want to hire experienced React Native developers, look no further because Hyperlink InfoSystem can help you.


1) How much does it cost to hire a React Native developer?

The cost of hiring a React Native developer will depend on the type of project you have in mind, but it can range from $50 per hour to over $100 per hour, depending on how experienced your developer is and how much time they put into each project.

2) Why should I hire React Native developers for my project?

For one, they're good at what they do. Learning how to code in multiple languages and platforms at once is not a simple task. But that's what React Native developers do every day—and they're amazing at it.
Also, if you want to get your product out there quickly and make sure people love it, you need someone who can work fast and well. That's another thing that makes React Native developers so great: they know how to get things done quickly while still maintaining high-quality standards.

3) How long does it take to hire a React Native developer?

It depends on the situation. The time it takes to find and hire a developer varies greatly depending on the right person's skills, experience, and availability. We've found that hiring a React Native developer can take anywhere from two weeks to two months. It might take longer if you seek someone with specific skills or experience.

4) What do you need to do before hiring a React Native developer?

You should be able to tell us what you're looking for regarding functionality and design. If you have an existing app, we can use as a template, that would be great! But if not, we'll want to speak with you about the most significant features of your project.

5) Is React Native expensive?

Not at all! The cost of hiring React Native developers will vary depending on your location, the complexity of your project, and how much time you need the developer to work on it. React Native development costs about $35 per hour for an experienced developer, about 20% less than comparable web development costs.

6) Why use React Native?

You can build a fully featured mobile app using only JavaScript, meaning you can share many parts of your app across platforms. This lets you ship faster and reduce the costs of development. You can also take advantage of the huge amount of open-source code available for React Native, so it's easier to get started than ever!

7) What are the benefits of hiring React Native developers?

You can build a fully functional app in less time than other frameworks because the process is much simpler and faster. Your app will look exactly like an Android or iOS app, which is great for user experience and design. You don't need to hire separate iOS and Android developers—one person can do both! What does "native" mean? "Native" refers to a piece of software written in the language and style of the platform it's designed for. For example, if you write an app in Java (for Android) or Objective-C (for iOS), it's considered "native." If you write an app using HTML and CSS, it's not considered native because there isn't any code specific to either platform.

8) What Makes React Native Different?

While many frameworks allow you to build cross-platform apps, none of them does it as well as React Native does. The key difference between React Native and other frameworks is that when building an app with React Native, you're building native components from scratch rather than relying on OS-specific libraries or wrappers around them. This means that when you use specific functionality in your app (such as sharing content on Facebook), it will look exactly like every other Facebook app out there while still being fully functional within your app.

9) What kind of skills do I need if I'm hiring a React Native developer?

You need someone with knowledge of JavaScript and ReactJS. Your candidate should also have experience with Swift or Java if they're building an iOS app or Java or Kotlin if they're building an Android app.

10) What are some of the skills required by a React Native developer?

A great React Native developer should know JavaScript and Swift/Objective-C and have experience using Redux and MobX frameworks. They should be familiar with SCSS syntax and testing tools like Jest and Enzyme (for Javascript) or XCTest (for iOS).

11) For what purpose is React Native used?

React Native is a framework that allows you to build mobile apps using JavaScript and React. You can use React Native to write a mobile app using the same design as your web app so that the screens and user interaction are familiar to your users. This can give your mobile users a better experience than if you had made a native app from scratch.

12) What's the difference between a React Native developer and a web developer?

The short answer is not much. You can find both web developers and React Native developers who specialize in front-end work. Their job duties usually involve building UI components, ensuring those components are responsive, and ensuring they're compatible with all browsers.
If you have any questions about what it means to be a web developer or a React Native developer, feel free to reach out!

13) What is the best country for software development outsourcing in Asia?

The best country for software development outsourcing in Asia is India. India offers a cost-effective solution to your needs and a large pool of highly skilled programmers who can work remotely. They have strong English proficiency, and many companies are already familiar with the Western business model. This makes them ideal for Western companies looking to outsource their software development needs. The Indian government has made it a point to encourage foreign investment into the country, so you can expect them to be very receptive to your requests and inquiries.

14) Who is the best React Native developer for hire?

We are. We've been developing apps for over five years and know what it takes to build a great app. We've worked with clients ranging from startups and small businesses to large enterprises in the education, healthcare, and finance industries. We're experts at building apps that solve real problems for our clients, and we're ready to show you how we can help your business succeed.

15) What are some reasons someone might choose not to use React Native?

While there are many benefits to using React Native, there are also some downsides. For example, if you're looking for a native app that looks exactly like all other apps on your device, then React Native may not be the best option. But if you're looking for flexibility and speed of development, then it could be just what you need!

16) Do I need an iOS app before hiring a React Native developer?

No, but if you have an iOS app, that's great! A lot of times, when people hire a React Native developer, they will have already built the app for Android. The reason for this is that it's much easier to build for Android than it is for iOS. So if your company already has an app built for Android, hiring a React Native developer will be cheaper because they won't need to spend as much time building out your app from scratch; they can simply focus on making sure it works on all platforms (iOS).

17) How does your company work?

We work with you to understand your needs and goals, and then we help you figure out how to achieve them. We use a collaborative approach that starts with an initial consultation. During this consultation, we'll discuss your goals and develop a plan. We'll also estimate how much it will cost and how long it will take. Then, once we've got a plan in place, we'll start building your app!

18) What can you do with a React Native developer?

Create apps that run on both iOS and Android. Build high-performance, native apps that feel like they were written in Objective-C or Java. Use native APIs and UI components without learning multiple programming languages. Leverage the same codebase for your web and mobile apps so you don't have to maintain two separate codebases.

19) Is React Native a good choice for my company?

React Native is a great choice if you're looking to build an app that will run on both iOS and Android platforms (and maybe on other platforms in the future). It's also a good choice to use native elements and UI patterns rather than web-based UI elements.

20) What kind of support can I expect from your team?

Our team is happy to help you with any issues you have with the app. We'll work with you on bug fixes, feature requests, or any other changes to the app.

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